Identify your chemical hazard classification criteria
Identify, list and quantify your Hazardous Substances, Dangerous Goods, Minor Storage and Schedule Poisons so that you can manage their respective risks and control processes.
Support your workplace information and training obligations
Supply of information, induction and ongoing training is mandatory under Work Health and Safety legislation if you are an employer. Safety Data Sheets (SDS) should be used as an integral component of any workplace training system. Farm Minder contains a large number of SDS for a wide range of products.
Work out your hazardous substances obligations
Many chemicals are classified as hazardous substances, in which case people who are exposed to them through use, storage or handling have specific legislated duties, both as employers and employees. Employers must ensure that an SDS for each hazardous substance in the workplace is available to their employees, that the SDS is up to date* and that it is readily accessible to emergency personnel.
*Note – manufacturers and importers of hazardous chemicals have an obligation to ensure that SDS are reviewed, revised and kept up to date. This should be done at intervals that do not exceed five years.
Identify and quantify hazardous products – storage and handling
Regulations for storing and handling of hazardous chemicals as according to the new WHS (Work Health and Safety) Regulations depend both on the quantities involved and whether or not a single class or mixed classes of hazardous chemicals are kept.
Determine if your hazardous products exceed 'Minor Storage' quantities
If your storage exceeds 'Minor Storage' quantities it will have significant implications to the construction requirements for your storage area.
Identify and quantify Dangerous Goods – transport
There are exemptions for transporting small quantities of dangerous goods. Use Farm Minder to ensure your purchases stay within these limits to avoid the need for licensing and placarding and possible increased vehicle insurance. Alternatively use Farm Minder to create placards for the transport of dangerous goods.
Use Schedule Poisons headings and quantities to enhance your hazard identification and risk assessment process
Signal headings on the label have specific requirements. For example Schedule 6 poisons (signal heading POISON, on the label), have prescribed storage requirements to be kept out of reach of children, typically 1.2m above floor level.